Ankylosing Spondylitis
Thank you for asking to examine Harry who presented with back pain.
Examples of introduction:
A forward stooped posture with decrease lumbar lordosis, exaggerated kyphosis with fixed flexion deformity of the axial spine, most consistent with a deformity axial spondyloarthropathy such as AS, affecting the cervical/thoracic/lumbar spine with/without enthesopathy, psoriasis or other extra-articular features. My findings in further detail...
My findings were consistent with an axial spondyloarthropathy, most likely ankylosing spondylitis affecting the cervical/thoracic/lumbar spine with/without enthesopathy, psoriasis or other extra-articular features.
I will now present my findings in further detail with commentary on severity, extra-articular manifestations, complications, and differentials.
On general inspection, Harry was comfortable and there were no apparent gait aids.
There was/was not thoracic kyphosis, and loss of lumbar lordosis. (There was loss of lumbar lordosis, thoracic kyphosis, and compensatory cervical lordosis - the question mark sign)
The occiput to wall test was normal / abnormal.
On assessment of movement:
In the lumbar spine, the modified Schober’s test was normal / abnormal with ___ cm of flexion. Extension and lateral flexion were / were not reduced (Normal is greater than 10 cm as per UTD but notes considerable variability based on age, sex, etc).
In the thoracic spine, there was / was not reduced range of motion in rotation. Chest expansion was normal / reduced at ____ (<5cm).
The cervical spine did / did not show reduced range of motion in flexion (45 degrees), extension, lateral bending (45 degrees) and rotation.
On palpation, there was / was not tenderness in the spinous processes and facet joints.
There was / was not tenderness in the SI joints (pain suggests active disease).
On examination of extra-axial features:
There was / was not evidence of small joint of the hand arthropathy, knee or hip involvement
There were / were not psoriatic changes
There was / was not enthesitis and dactylitis
There was / was not uveitis, pulmonary fibrosis, cardiac involvement with AR, signs of psoriasis, or signs of inflammatory bowel disease.
In terms of complications of possible immunosuppression:
There was / was not signs of steroid complications, such as a Cushingoid appearance, bruising, skin atrophy, cataracts, or proximal myopathy.
There were no particular injection marks suggestive of biological use
In summary my findings are in keeping with an axial spondyloarthropathy. This is most likely ankylosing spondylitis with / without extra-axial features. Whilst this may require immunosuppression, I could/could not ascertain specific evidence for these.
Differential include other seronegative spondyloarthropathies including:
Psoriatic arthritis, but there were no stigmata of psoriasis, peripheral joint involvement, or dactylitis.
Reactive arthritis
Enteropathic arthritis, although there were no features of IBD and axial involvement is less common.
I would proceed from here by:
Confirming my diagnosis with an x-ray of the sacro-iliac joints, HLA-B27 status
Completing an assessment of disease activity by:
Reviewing current symptoms
CRP, ESR, FBE (anaemia), albumin (chronic inflammation)
Assessing for complications of disease:
FBE, UEC, LFT (treatment toxicity)
BMD (osteoporosis)
Steroid related if relevant
CV risk assessment
ECG, TTE – AR, heart block
How is disease activity assessed?
We can use the Bath AS Disease Activity Index (BASDAI) - a questionnaire
What is inflammatory back pain?
< 40, insidious onset, improvement with exercise, no improvement with rest, pain at night
What are the XR changes?
SIJ - cortical outline loss, juxta-articular sclerosis, erosions, ankylosis
Lumbar - loss of lordosis, squaring of vertebrae, syndesmophytes, bamboo spine with bone bridging of vertebrae anteriorly, OP, apophyseal joint fusion
SIJ can be graded using the New York Criteria (Grade 0 to 4)
0 = normal
1 - some blurring of joint margins
2 - minimal sclerosis with some erosion, no change in joint width
3 - erosions and pseudo-widening
4 = ankylosis